DL-44 – Thingiverse 191596

Han shot first. We all know that to be true. I created this one out of Black PLA and painted the various pieces to make it look right and weathered it.
Punished Props and Adam Savage’s Tested.com were great sources for the weathering and creation of all the props. Need to give them some credit for showing that its not that hard to do.
Thermal Detonator – Thingiverse 809004

Just to be clear, this is not dangerous in any way. There’s an Arduino Nano in it that controls the LEDs and blinks them in the proper screen captured order. To create the chipping effect, I used latex masking fluid and a few layers of airbrushed color.
Luke Skywalker’s Return of the Jedi Lightsaber – Thingiverse – 2075772

I gave this one away to a friend’s son. He thought it was AWESOME! I thought it needed work. I used Testors metallic paints and it just looked a little… Cheap? I printed another and have new paints that may make it more spiffy. Will post when done.